Project Management
Providing support to the approved beneficiaries (organizations and informal youth groups) regarding the management of their approved projects.
All the information you need from the moment your project is approved until the submission of its final report.
Information and advice on how to communicate and promote your project and the European Union.
10 ways to communicate and promote visibility of the EU for recipients of EU funding
Under the 2021-2027 EU budget, communication and visibility are an important part of all EU programmes. When you manage an EU-funded project, we expect the following:
- All recipients of EU funding have a general obligation to acknowledge the origin and ensure visibility of any funding they receive from the EU. Depending on the programme, you are usually required to describe what you intend to do to fulfil this obligation.
- The EU's political priorities apply to all EU programmes. It is important to integrate these priorities into your communication activities to show citizens the bigger picture and how your work will contribute to achieving them.
- Participation in specific communication activities. These activities may vary depending on the project in question, the value of the funding received or the specific circumstances of the programme. These include, but are not limited to:
- the elaboration of a detailed communication and dissemination plan
- Rules for websites, social media accounts and communications
- the organising of events
- Relations with the media
- signs, plaques or other printed or electronic means of display.
- Proper use of the EU emblem and its prominent display.
The EU emblem is the most important visual mark used to identify the origin and ensure visibility of EU funding. Apart from the EU emblem, no other visual identity or logo may be used to promote EU support. The EU emblem should not be altered or merged with other graphic elements or texts. If logos other than the Union emblem are depicted, the Union emblem should be at least the same size as the largest of the other logos. For more information, please refer to our detailed guidelines on the use of the EU emblem (link to guidelines).
- Display a simple funding statement indicating the support from the European Union.
- The words 'Funded by the European Union' or 'Co-funded by the European Union' should always appear in full and placed next to the emblem. You can download the correct version of the EU emblem together with the funding statement from our multilingual download centre.
- Use of accurate information
In times of disinformation and spread of false information, it is important to use official and relevant EU sources and websites when sharing information about the EU. In addition, information about your project should be factually correct and not misleading.
- Cooperation with the EU in communication actions:
depending on the programme, you may be obliged to cooperate with the EU in your communication actions, for example when
- Your work is expected to have a significant impact in the media
- It is of strategic importance
- It exceeds a certain economic value.
Please remember that communication and visibility actions are among the eligible costs. Any costs related to communication and visibility are part of the action and can receive EU funding.
- Granting the right to use your communication material in the EU.
The European Union has the right to use communication material produced and owned by recipients of EU funding. This right shall be granted free of charge in the form of a non-exclusive and irrevocable licence. The cost of this licence can be covered by EU funding. The material is owned by the recipients of EU funding.
- In case of non-compliance with the requirements, reductions in funding may be imposed.
If recipients of EU funding fail to fulfill any of their contractual obligations, the EU financial contribution may be reduced.
For details and possible adjustments to these requirements depending on the policy area, please consult your programme, its funding rules and funding agreement.